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Personalized, customizable storybooks for your child

We've created stories to help you support your child through challenging transitions. Each book centers around your child - their name, their pictures, their unique story!


Our stories have been developed by experienced child psychologists and teachers to help your child navigate tough phases - from starting a new school to welcoming a new sibling. It's truly one of the best ways to prepare them for a big change. 

Transitions We're Ready For

Mother smiling at child

Our Story

We care about children, and we want to see them thrive. Better yet, we want them to see themselves thrive.

We believe that social storytelling can build childrens’ confidence and resilience by equipping them with coping skills from an early age, facilitating dialogue with parents about difficult moments and feelings, normalizing challenging obstacles, and strengthening the parent-child relationship.

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You can fully customize your child's story via text and photos. Wait until your child sees themself as the hero of their own story, doing the things they love...

It's so exciting! 

A brother and sister looking at a book together in a homemade tent

Start a dialogue. Normalize tough feelings.
Build meaningful coping skills.

Create your own storybook!

Contact Us


We are a virtual business, and we are always here for you. You can reach us by email anytime. Let's start creating your personalized book together!


We are here to assist you in any way we can. Contact us by email at

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